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What Can We Do For Your School?

We are a small company with one passionate mission.  We want to support all of our schools to build their daily effort around key knowledge and ideas about the amazing human brain.   In short, we want every client who works with us to become a Neuro-Ninja.   Focussing our work in schools around how the brain works and crucially, communicating that knowledge to students, parents and teachers with a common language, is the trick we’re all missing in schools.
Schools are always looking for ways to enhance progress for all students, particularly the most vulnerable.  With our Neuro-Ninja Tool-Kit resources we can help you transform outcomes by marshalling community effort through a series of simple steps which improve progress, learning, attendance, motivation and memory.  The Neuro-Ninja Tool-Kit also invigorates parental engagement, providing a genuine opportunity for parents and schools to work differently together inside a new paradigm rich in a shared understanding of the brain.
The bald fact is this; 85% of a child's experience is not in school.  We can have all the policies and structures we like but there are lots of spaces in a child's experience where we are absent.  By inspiring, engaging and exciting your student, parent and teacher community with a deep understanding of the brain we aim to facilitate a new and dynamic narrative.  Classroom learning is just the beginning of the brain's journey to learn new information every day.   Something as simple as children systematically reviewing the day's learning each evening in a self-directed study slot will hugely effect how much learning is encoded.  And then there's the amount of sleep they get, how effectively they're supported to manage anxiety, worry and negative emotions.
Human brains evolved to survive, not to learn.  And if we don’t learn how it works, how it gets in its own way sometimes and how to enhance well-being, manage anxiety and accelerate learning we aren’t going to get that transformation in outcomes we are all seeking.  We all know that it takes a village to raise a child, our mission is to enhance and amplify the already great work you're doing by helping every member of your community action their potential every day.

We know learning, progress and ongoing development is not secured in the future.  It is literally built into the neural architecture of our amazing brains by what we do each day.  If we can help everyone across our school to apply the important lessons from brain science to their daily lived experience - be they parent, student or member of staff - we're creating the firmest of foundations for genuine personal transformation every day.
Please click on any of the buttons below to find out more
Who can access the seminars/webinars?

Any member of staff, parent or student from your school may attend, though some schools have chosen to focus on particular year groups.

How can they access this information afterwards?

Part of this website is accessible to the public and part is password protected. As a school that has bought our service you will be given the password that unlocks the information you have heard, and the recordings of the webinars.

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